Emergency Aid and Disaster Management
General Information
People’s encounter with disasters is as old as human history. Situations that occurred in areas where disasters occurred in the past are also occurring today in the form of similar events. However, the effects of disasters do not produce similar results everywhere in the world. The most important factor in this is the differences in the conclusions people draw from the events they experience and the frequency of disasters. A striking example of this is the Ms=7.4 magnitude Eastern Marmara (Gölcük) earthquake that occurred on August 17, 1999, where we lost approximately 16,000 people. Another important point is that human-induced disasters are also added to the disasters that occur today; for example, fires, nuclear explosions, and global warming that occur for various reasons can actually be considered disasters and negatively affect human life with their results. This Program is a field that is intertwined with health, civil defense, first aid, physical education, communication technologies, engineering, and biology. The aim of this department is to train innovative, investigative and entrepreneurial experts who are equipped with the knowledge and skills related to their profession to carry out and manage all kinds of loss reduction activities, especially coordination, in the event of a disaster, such as pre-disaster training, awareness-raising, project development and other measures.
Academic Staff

476 213 00 10 Extension: 3728

Course Catalogue
Double Major / Minor Programs
Double Major Program: Allows students to earn a bachelor's degree in a field they are interested in, in addition to their primary field. In this program, students can complete courses in two different fields and earn a diploma in both fields.
Minor Program: Allows students to take a certain number of courses in a field they are interested in, outside of their major. Students who complete the minor program are given an official certificate in that field; however, this does not mean a second bachelor's degree.
Exchange Programs
It offers students the opportunity to study at another university, either domestically or abroad, for a certain period of time. Thanks to these programs, students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, develop their foreign language skills and gain international academic experience. The most common exchange programs include programs such as Erasmus+, Mevlana and Farabi.
- Click here to acsess Programs
- Click here to acsess Mevlana Programs
- Click here to acsess Farabi Programs
Students who graduate from this program can mostly be employed in the following institutions and organizations:
1- Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorates
2- Civil Defense Search and Rescue Directorates
3- In fire departments affiliated to municipalities
4- In the Private Sector and Non-Governmental Organizations
5- In international organizations related to disaster management
In addition, graduates of Pedagogical Formation training can work as teachers in all relevant units and branches of the General Directorate of Emergency Health Services of the Ministry of Health (especially in the Disaster and Emergency Management Department), public and private hospitals, Disaster Coordination Center (AKOM) in Metropolitan Municipalities, Ambulance Services, Command and Control Centers where disaster and emergency coordination and management are carried out in public institutions, non-governmental organizations related to disaster and emergency, Disaster Operation Center (AFOM) and all other units related to disasters, and also in schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education.
Program Introduction Presentation
It is being prepared.
Contact Information
Address: Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Campus, Faculty of Applied Science , Suveren, Iğdır
- Call Center: 444 9 447
Phone: +90 476 223 00 10 - 3712 - Fax: +90 476 223 00 17
- E-mail: ubf@igdir.edu.tr
Program Introduction Presentation
Bir bölüm veya programın temel özelliklerini, eğitim olanaklarını ve hedeflerini tanıtmak amacıyla hazırlanan sunumdur.
Contact Information
- Adres : Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Kampüsü, Tuzluca Meslek Yüksekokulu Müdürlüğü
- Çağrı Merkezi : 444 9 447
Telefon: +90 476 223 00 10 - 3405 - Faks: +90 476 223 00 17
- E-posta: tuzluca@igdir.edu.tr